This babe is asian femdom power pur and her legs are made for ballbusting, we call she the Devil - Ballbusting Devil. She is one of the moste brutal women of killerkicks and she like ballkicking humiliation in all different positions and all types as ballstomping, ballkicking and ball punshing, she is a mercilles devil. Her body looks so good and as a fetish model. This clip is filmed in p.o.v. so you think that you are standing in front of her and you are her victim. Ballbusting devil stardet her ballkicking aktion with yellow open high heels and then later kicks the mistress barfeet and you can see the whole time her painted foot nails. This mistress is a living fetish dream. Visit her by clicking the pic.
"Her legs are made for Ballbusting"
Actor: Ballbusting Devil
Format: Avi
Size:84mb - Run time: 10min
Categories: Killerkicks German Femdom - Ballkicking - Fetish - Bdsm - Cbt

Welcome to the Killerkicks ballbusting video blog!!
Check out our tons of ballbusting, trampling, humiliation and femdom clips with extreme hot fetish babes and cruel mistresses!
If you like to download one of our clips you have to press the "buy now" button and your order will reach the Clips4sale secure billing server!
Have fun by watching our clips!
The KILLERKICKS ballbusting babes will kick your ass...
Extreme femdom !! Ballbusting clip posted - "boots vs balls" by KILLERKICKS! Blonde german domatrix destroys a poor guy....!
DivinafullmovieAVI - boots Vs balls !!
"Boots vs Balls" - the name says it all ... Lady Divina
has found a fearless sparring partner! He's pretty brave ... Today is
"Ballkicking" trained! Divina has put their new boots - she wears a
latex suit! What a fetish goddess! At first she jerks his dick - she
wants to see it full size! After a few moments, he is excited enough.
Divina begins to kick him in the balls with full force! He
winces and whines - and his mistress shows no mercy. Again and again she
hits his balls - with boots really painful! In the end, he squats on
the ground - moans and begs for mercy ... Divina gets
behind him - and kicks him with full force into the swollen testicles!
It was the last step .... Here is the full version of "Boots vs Balls" -
hard and shocking clip with an extremely brutal German
"boots vs Balls" - der Name sagt alles ... Herrin Divina hat einen furchtlosen Sparringspartner gefunden ! Er ist ganz schön mutig... Heute wird "Ballkicking" trainiert !! Divina hat ihre neuen Stiefel angezogen - dazu trägt sie einen engen Latexanzug !! Was für eine Fetisch Göttin !!! Anfangs wichst sie seinen Schwanz - sie will ihn in voller Grösse sehen ! Nach ein paar Momenten ist er erregt genug. Divina fängt an, ihm mit voller Wucht in Eier zu treten !! Er zuckt und jammert - und seine Herrin zeigt keine Gnade. Immer wieder trifft sie seine Hoden - mit Stiefeln echt schmerzhaft ! Am Ende hockt er am Boden - jammert und fleht um Gnade... Divina stellt sich hinter ihn - und tritt ihm mit voller Kraft in geschwollenen Hoden !!! Es war der letzte Tritt.... Hier Vollversion von "Boots vs Balls" - harter und schockierender Clip mit einer extrem brutalen deutschen Herrin !
"boots vs Balls" - der Name sagt alles ... Herrin Divina hat einen furchtlosen Sparringspartner gefunden ! Er ist ganz schön mutig... Heute wird "Ballkicking" trainiert !! Divina hat ihre neuen Stiefel angezogen - dazu trägt sie einen engen Latexanzug !! Was für eine Fetisch Göttin !!! Anfangs wichst sie seinen Schwanz - sie will ihn in voller Grösse sehen ! Nach ein paar Momenten ist er erregt genug. Divina fängt an, ihm mit voller Wucht in Eier zu treten !! Er zuckt und jammert - und seine Herrin zeigt keine Gnade. Immer wieder trifft sie seine Hoden - mit Stiefeln echt schmerzhaft ! Am Ende hockt er am Boden - jammert und fleht um Gnade... Divina stellt sich hinter ihn - und tritt ihm mit voller Kraft in geschwollenen Hoden !!! Es war der letzte Tritt.... Hier Vollversion von "Boots vs Balls" - harter und schockierender Clip mit einer extrem brutalen deutschen Herrin !
"Boots vs Balls" - el nombre lo dice todo ... Señora Divina ha encontrado un compañero de entrenamiento sin miedo! Él es muy valiente ... Hoy en día es "Ballkicking" entrenado! Divina ha puesto sus botas nuevas - que lleva un traje de látex ajustado! Lo que una diosa fetiche! Al principio, ella sacude su polla - ella quiere verla a tamaño completo! Después de unos momentos, él está muy entusiasmado lo suficiente. Divina comienza a darle una patada en las pelotas con toda su fuerza! Él hace una mueca y se queja-y su amante no tiene piedad. Una y otra vez que golpea sus testículos - con botas muy dolorosos! Al final, él se pone en cuclillas en el suelo - gime y pide clemencia ... Divina se pone detrás de él - y lo patea con toda su fuerza en los testículos hinchados! Era el último paso .... Aquí está la versión completa de "Boots" - Balones vs duros y con un impactante clip amante alemana extremadamente brutal!
"ブーツ対ボール" - 名前はそれ�'すべて言う...レディヴィナは、大胆不敵なスパーリングパートナー�'見つけました!彼はとても勇敢だ...今日は訓練され た"Ballkicking"です!ヴィナは、彼らの新しいブーツ�'入れている - 彼女はタイトなラテックススーツ�'身に着けている!何フェチ女神!彼女は悪党彼のディック�'最初に - 彼女はそれ�'フルサイズで見たい!しばらくすると、彼は十分に興奮しています。ヴィナは完全な力でボールの中で彼�'キックし始める!彼wincesと whines - と彼の愛人は慈悲�'示していません。何度も何度も、彼女は彼のボール�'打つ - 本当に痛いブーツで!最後に、彼は地面にスクワット - うめき声と慈悲�'懇願する...ヴィナは彼の後ろになる - そして腫れた睾丸に完全な力�'もって彼�'キック!それは最後のステップでした....非常に残忍なドイツの愛人�'持つハードと衝�'�的なクリップ - ここでは "ブーツ対ボール"のフルバージョンです!
Shocking ballbusting clip by KILLERKICKS for free !! German mistress kicks the balls of a poor slave !
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Ballbusting and extreme female domination clips posted !! Watch some shocking clips with cruel german mistresses kicking the hell out of some poor guys!!!
We will post clip No. 2000 in the next hours!!
2000 clips with hot mistresses torturing poor men!!
Some are blonde, some are brunette and some have devilish black hair!!
But they are all CRUEL. VERY CRUEL.
Check out the previews on our clippage - and get a taste of KILLERKICKS...

BALLBUSTING BABE gives a lesson in pain humiliation with her feets.
This young lady is an ordinary girl whos look beautiful but she has a dark secret !! Janina and her sweet feets love it to torture your balls, she loves ballbusting and is a german femdom mistress from killerkicks too. Mistress janina bring you pain and humiliation with her perfeckt babe style. Janina is dressed in open high heels, black mini skirt and short black top while you a lesson of ballbusting granted can you see her beautiful feets. Mistress janina is a ballbusting dream and looks so sexy while it makes things nasty. This ballbusting clip has a length from 24min ful power german femdom ballkicking wit the sexyst Mistress ever. Visit this evil babe and look her pervers doing and ballkicking aktion. Click the pic.
"Busted @ the Clasroom"
Actor: Mistress Janina
Format: Avi
Size: 190mb - Run time: 24min
Categories: German Femdom - Ballkicking - Killerkicks Babe - Humiliation - Fetish
"Busted @ the Clasroom"
Actor: Mistress Janina
Format: Avi
Size: 190mb - Run time: 24min
Categories: German Femdom - Ballkicking - Killerkicks Babe - Humiliation - Fetish
A new killerkicks fetish supermodel is born !! Check out this german supermodel !
Heather is a kickboxing pro female fighting babe from killerkicks and fetish model too - well trained and absolute in shape! But she's also an extreme beautyful and hot lady who loves to play with the cam ! Visit her clipstore and get a taste of her fetish videos !!
Have fun by watching this cutie in cruel female fighting action ! Killerkicks
Have fun by watching this cutie in cruel female fighting action ! Killerkicks
Femdom EXTREME !! German mistress gives lesson in trampling, femdom and humiliation - watch her stickin' her boots into his mouth...!! Hardcore female domination clips by KILLERKICKS
Ncfullmovie - Lady Divina - "Can you take it ??" 1of2
"Can you take it?" That is the question! Trampling a
session with Lady Divina? In this video, her slave goes through hell! He
has his back on the floor and is used as a doormat! In the beginning
used high heel shoes and stands on his face. Then she puts on high black
boots to use his body as a trampoline! It is trimmed really bad - with
bruises all over the body! And that's just the first
part of the drama - the second part follows ....Extreme Trampling
Ncfullmovie - Lady Divina - can you take it ?? 2of2
And here's the second part of "Can you take it?" with
Lady Divina the german Dominatrix! The poor guy writhing in pain - but Divina has not enough
.... She jumps on his face - and turns on his neck! He can not breathe
get more scared .... And rightly so! She abuses her victims ever harder -
to the bitter end. Extremely hard femdom with a beautiful German
Sadistic Mistress gives a bad Lesson in German Femdom
Ballbusting Mistress Betty is the ballbusting dream of many men and so also is her video name. This mistress has the evil eyes in beautiful face, big boobs and she loves to torment men with her sadistic art. She is the queen and you her victim and she wants you suffer. The mistress kicks, stomp and punsh your balls, first light and later extreme, cry baby. First she shows you her pussy and than kicks she her balls full power,that is killerkicks ballbusting. German Femdom clips and videos from another universe. You can see mistress betty nacked and see how they and their barfeets torture your balls. Visit this sadistic german femdom mistress and feel the pain. Get your kicks on killerkicks, click the pic.
"Ballbusting Dream" 1-2
Actor: Mistress Betty
Format: Avi
1) Size: 99mb - Run time: 12min
2) Size: 105mb - Run time: 13min
Categories: Killerkicks German Femdom - Humiliation - Sadistic - Foot Domination - Fetish
"Ballbusting Dream" 1-2
Actor: Mistress Betty
Format: Avi
1) Size: 99mb - Run time: 12min
2) Size: 105mb - Run time: 13min
Categories: Killerkicks German Femdom - Humiliation - Sadistic - Foot Domination - Fetish
The most cruel and sadistic mistresses on the web - the ballbusting goddesses of KILLERKICKS !
Killerkicks ballbusting babes said: We are sure that our clips are the most brutal & sadistic german femdom clips on the web. The mistresses in our videos are REAL german femdom babes. Theay love to torture men and they like to show it !
So - have a look and visit our ballbusting page with more than 1000 ball busting clips!! Killerkicks
So - have a look and visit our ballbusting page with more than 1000 ball busting clips!! Killerkicks
Ballkicking in black boots - cruel mistress castates guy with hundrets of kicks in the nuts...!!! Shocking femdom stuff by KILLERKICKS
Killerkicks Ballkicking fullmovie AVI - "Boots Vs Balls !!"
"Boots vs Balls" - the name says it all ... Lady Divina
has found a fearless sparring partner! He's pretty brave ... Today is
"Ballkicking" trained! Divina has put their new boots - she wears a
latex suit! What a fetish goddess! At first she jerks his dick - she
wants to see it full size! After a few moments, he is excited enough.
Lady Divina begins to kick him in the balls with full force! He
winces and whines - and his mistress shows no mercy. Again and again she
hits his balls - with boots really painful! In the end, he squats on
the ground - moans and begs for mercy ... LadyDivina gets
behind him - and kicks him with full force into the swollen testicles, extreme ballkicking by killerkicks!
It was the last step .... Here is the full version of "Boots vs Balls" -
hard and shocking ballkicking clip with an extremely brutal German
Femdom mistress, Lady Divina!
Beautiful Mistress gives a bad lesson with her "Goddess legs Attack"
This Legs are made for Killerkicks Ballbusting Aktion and gives a lesson in "Goddess Legs Attack" to your balls. Mistress Janina is the hottest fetish model in the internet and looks sooooo good, she is a beautiful women and a merciless ballbusting mistress. The pain they inflict you feels just as sweet to as it look. In this clip see you her nacked boobs and she kicks your balls barfeet, a fetish dream comes true. Ballbusting and humilition are her absolute favorites. Visit the Dream of all ballbusting lovers and see her hot german femdom clip on Killerkicks. Klick the Mistress.
"Goddess legs Attack"
Actor: Mistress Janina
Format: Avi
Size: 177mb - Run time: 22min
Categories: Killerkicks German Femdom - Foot Domination - Fetish - Humiliation - Sadistic Mistress
"Goddess legs Attack"
Actor: Mistress Janina
Format: Avi
Size: 177mb - Run time: 22min
Categories: Killerkicks German Femdom - Foot Domination - Fetish - Humiliation - Sadistic Mistress
Hot babe in high-heels and miniskirt kicks a guy between the legs until he starts to cry !! Cruel femdom & ballbusting clip by KILLERKICKS
Killerkicks Ball Busting fullmovie - "You really want it?" part 1 of 2
A clear case of overconfidence! Here is the first part
of "You really want it?" - An intense femdom and ball busting clip with
mistress Janina. She has a guest that would like to have a few kicks in the
He has Janina seen in countless films - now he wants to try it himself!
Janina is a pro - so she asked him again: "You really want it?" He says
"Yes" and there is no way back .... Janina slowly
begins to kick his balls with her high-heels and end with hard killerkicks ball busting. First gently - it should
not even be over after a minute .... But then she increases the
intensity! Time for REAL pain ....
Killerkicks German Femdom fullmovie - "You really want it?" part 2 of 2
And here the second and final part of "You really want
it?" - Janina is a Femdom Goddess - watch as she tortures his testicles -
filmed from a first person perspective! Her stunning body is one thing
- her sadistic way the other! Hard to believe how bad Janina abused his
testicles. Her beautiful legs destroy his swollen testicles!
Lady Divina - she's one of the most brutal domatrixes on the web !! Visit her clippage and check up this shocking cruel femdom stuff !!
Lady Divina is one of the most brutal, sadistic and german femdom mistresses from killerkicks ballbusting what we ever seen !! Her clips are REAL and from her studio in hamburg germany - that means, that the men in her clips are real poor guys.... Take a visit and have a look...
Mistress Janina - she's so beautyful - but she's so cruel.... watch this goddess in real shocking femdom and ball busting clips - it's real amazing to watch this cutie in action..!!
She's the one and only ! Mistress JANINA. More than 200 real hard clips with lots of ballbusting, femdom, humiliation and trampling content. This german supermodel knows how to torture men....
Have fun by watching her in cruel femdom action !
Have fun by watching her in cruel femdom action !
Ballbusting extreme !!! Hot german mistress dressed in miniskirt and high-heels kicks guy between the legs until he starts crying...!! Hardcore femdom by the KILLERKICKS crew !
Killerkicks Ballkicking fullmovie - "Killerlegs ! Part 1 of 2"
One of the sexiest Ballkicking videos all time! Here
comes the first of two parts "Killerlegs"! Janina gives a lesson in german femdom. In the form of kicks in the balls! This is probably
the most
sensitive spot on a man - just the right target for Janina's attacks. In
the beginning she wears high heels and a very short dress. She kicks
his balls with her knees and shoes, real killerkicks ballkicking. After the first hard
hits she takes off her shoes. Now she kicks with full force until he
goes to the ground. You can hear the clapping when her feet slam into
his balls! What a beautiful, but extremely brutal
dominatrix! Here is Part 1!
Killerkicks Ball Busting fullmovie - "Killerlegs ! Part 2 of 2"
And here comes the second and final part of
"Killerlegs"! Janina is an absolute expert in Ball busting and shows her
skills to you. She repeatedly kicks his balls with full force. He
screams in pain
and always goes back to the ground. But Janina is really merciless!
"Come on - get up!" You can see that it makes a lot of fun for her to
torture the poor guy! What a perverse beauty! So - here's the
final part!
Ballbusting and cruel ballstomping with two hot german fetishbabes- posted by KILLERKICKS
Killerkicks fullmovie - "Ballbusting training" 1/2
Here is the first part of the legendary "Ballbusting
Training" with Betty and her friend. The two mistresses have found a man
who stands as a sparring partner. Sparring partner in a Ballbusting
training .... Betty shows her skills - she kicks his balls with full
force, and her friend may imitate it! The two take turns kicking his
balls! In between, they make him horny with hot lesbian
games. There are many close-ups of these two sex symbols. What a
perverse duo - they find it cool to torment a man! Extremely hard
ballbusting scenes - filmed from a first person perspective!
Killerkicks fullmovie - "Ballbusting training" 2/2
Here comes the second part of the breathtaking
"Ballbusting Training". The two Mistresses are unstoppable now. They
have great fun in this perverse game! They lick each other's nipples and
make every
effort to make the poor guy even hotter. In between, they take care of
his balls .... Again and again they both kick with full force in his
balls - until he is moaning on the ground. What a devilish
duo ...
Mistress kicks balls until there are swollen !! Watch this beauty in cruel ballbusting action - posted by KILLERKICKS
Killerkicks Ballbusting Babes fullmovie - "Kick & destroy !!"
"Kick & Destroy" - the name of this video says it
all! Janina torturing a few balls with her beautiful feet! Ballbusting,
Ballstomping, trampling, humiliation and Ballsqueezing - and all from
first-person perspective! After you have seen this video, you will be
shocked! It's incredible how brutal and sadistic this young lady is!
German amazones in fighting action !! Watch these clips and you'll get shocked !!
Wanna watch some hot german femdom babes in cruel female fighting action ?? You like to see cruel babes beat-up poor guys? Then you'll like our clips....
Ballbusting, trampling, CBT, female domination and humiliation clips with the cruel mistresses of KILLERKICKS !!
Watch lots of cruel mistresses havin' fun with their slaves ...!! Ballbusting, trampling, femdom, humiliation and mixed fighting - these hot godesses know how to break men...
Visit the KILLERKICKS video page and explore more than 1000 different femdom clips!
The most of them are REAL hard - we hope they are not to hard for you....
Get your KICKS on KILLERKICKS !!! Ballbusting Babes and German Femdom Clips & Videos.
Visit the KILLERKICKS video page and explore more than 1000 different femdom clips!
The most of them are REAL hard - we hope they are not to hard for you....
Get your KICKS on KILLERKICKS !!! Ballbusting Babes and German Femdom Clips & Videos.
Cruel ballbusting clip with german beaty who loves to torture men's nuts !! Hadcore femdom by KILLERKICKS !
Killerkick fullmovies - "Kick your brain out !!"
This can happen when you get cocky! This guy seriously
asks Betty for a ballbusting session! He must be crazy .... ! Betty is
known for her sadistic nature - her has no mercy! But if he wants it
way - he should have it ...! Betty starts first with a few soft kicks
and her slowly increases the intensity! Then it will be really hard! He
will spread his legs and Betty comes up behind their
victim. She kicks him between the legs with the full force! When
filming, we were afraid that his testicles explode! Betty is a really
nice woman - but do not let her play with your balls ...
Otherwise they are broken at the end!
Shocking hard ballbusting clip with real hot german mistress !!! Cruel femdom clips posted by KILLERKICKS
Killerkicks fullmovie AVI - "Ball Busting Dream" - first of two halfs
Here comes the first half of "Ball busting dream"! An
incredibly brutal ballbusting session with Lady Betty! She is one of the
most beautiful Mistresses on the Internet - but also one of the meanest!
She has fun torturing the men. In this session, she destroys some balls -
with hundreds of kicks. An orgy of violence and humiliation. Look into
her eyes - you can see the evil ... This clip contains
extremely cruel torture scenes - Not for wimps ...
Killerkicks fullmovie AVI "Ballbusting Dream" - second of two halfs
And here comes the second part of this shocking
Femdom session. The "Ballbusting dream" is a nightmare for the poor guy!
Betty can not stop anymore .... She repeatedly kicks in his balls! He
screams in
pain and begs for mercy. He tried to close his legs to protect his
testicles. But Betty pushes his legs apart. A short perverse smile - and
the next kick in the balls! At the end she sits between his
legs - and hits him with her in the testicles. One of the hardest
Ballbustin gsessions that we have ever seen. Cruel young lady ....
Supermodel Janina and her Killerlegs gives a bad lesson in Ballbusting
You like beautiful womens ?? You like Ballbusting & Femdom ?? Than like you the Killerkicks Goddess Janina !!This mistress is a dream for all mens !! Her ass looks like a ball so round and her legs will never ending. Her face looks like a angel and she have so sweet feets. Mistress Janina is a super model and the sexiest sadistin in the net. Her legs are killerlegs born for ballbusting for killerkicks ballbusting. She looks so sweet but she will your pain, she kicks, stomp and trample your balls with heels or her nacked feets. What a femdom and ballkicking dream on to never ending legs. Visit her by clicking the pic. Good time.
"Killerlegs" 1
Actor: Mistress Janina
Format: Wmv - all other too
Size: 129mb - Run time: 14min
Categories: Killerkicks Fetish - German Femdom - Foot Domination - Humiliation
"Killerlegs" 1
Actor: Mistress Janina
Format: Wmv - all other too
Size: 129mb - Run time: 14min
Categories: Killerkicks Fetish - German Femdom - Foot Domination - Humiliation
These mistresses know how to break a man !! The most beautyful femdom lady's on the web - posted by KILLERKICKS !!
These are the most cruel & beautyful girlz we ever seen on video - the mistresses of the "KILLERKICKS" ballbusting project. Wanna mess with them...???
We already produced more than 1000 ball busting & german femdom clips with these ladys...
Visit us & get the kick by KILLER-KICKS !
We already produced more than 1000 ball busting & german femdom clips with these ladys...
Visit us & get the kick by KILLER-KICKS !
German mistress with perfect legs kicks the nuts of a guy until he starts crying... Hot femdom & ballbusting clip posted by KILLERKICKS !
Killerkicks Ballbusting Fullmovie AVI - "Absolute Ballkicking !"
What a masterpiece of sophisticated femdom movie ...
Janina gives her slave a lesson in ballkicking brutal. She wears high
heels, a tank top and an incredibly short skirt! She looks totally sexy!
the slave has unfortunately nothing to laugh ... Janina makes him jerk
his cock - until it is cool enough to endure the pain! She kicks him
between the legs hundreds of times - with her knees and
shoes - until he can no longer bear it. See how Janina tortures his
testicles - what a brutal mistress! Here is the full version of
"Absolute Ballkicking" - a shocking femdom session with the lovely
Was für ein Meisterwerk des anspruchsvollen Femdom Films... Janina gibt ihrem Sklaven eine brutale Lektion in Ballbusting. Sie trägt hohe Schuhe, ein Tank-Top und ein unfassbar kurzen Rock !! Sie sieht total sexy aus ! Aber ihr Sklave hat leider nichts zu lachen... Janina lässt ihn seinen Schwanz wichsen - bis er geil genug ist, Schmerzen zu ertragen !!! Sie kickt ihm hunderte Mal zwischen Beine - mit ihren Knien und Schuhen - bis er es nicht mehr ertragen kann. Seht, wie Janina seine Hoden quält - was für eine brutale Herrin ! Hier ist Vollversion von "Absolute Ballkicking" - einer schockierenden Femdom Session mit der bezaubernden Janina !!!
German Femdom Preview - "Ballbusting Princess"
Hot Tracy is the Killerkicks Ballbusting Princess, Female Fighter and Fetish Model too, the name is programm. Tracy is dressd like a it-girl wearing a sparkly blue dress, white high heels and porno sunglasses.
They are like a princess BUT she is a bad women and like your pain. Tracy gives her victim a couple of hard kicks and killerkicks in his balls and feel funny. Extreme ballbusting from a princess and it ceases only when you are lying on the floor !! Then she looks very innocent and think this is no men this is a victim. What a Women !! Visit tracy by clicking her pic. Good time.
"Ballbusting Princess"
Actor: Hot Tracy
Format: Avi - all other
Size: 116mb - Run time: 14min
Categories: Killerkicks - German Femdom - Ballkicking - Fetish
They are like a princess BUT she is a bad women and like your pain. Tracy gives her victim a couple of hard kicks and killerkicks in his balls and feel funny. Extreme ballbusting from a princess and it ceases only when you are lying on the floor !! Then she looks very innocent and think this is no men this is a victim. What a Women !! Visit tracy by clicking her pic. Good time.
"Ballbusting Princess"
Actor: Hot Tracy
Format: Avi - all other
Size: 116mb - Run time: 14min
Categories: Killerkicks - German Femdom - Ballkicking - Fetish
Lady Divinas German Femdom P.O.V. Clip - "Wanna sniff my Ass"
Killerkicks Ballbusting Babes is proud to present you the Queen of German Femdom, Lady Divina nature Sadistic and born to Humiliated you and all mens. The mistress has only one question of you: Wanna sniff my Ass ?? Because that's the only thing you get, you victim. Lady Divina thinks men are only for use as slave and not more. The mistress will teach you a lesson with her verbal Humiliation and her beautiful body, thou shalt not touch !! Only you can sniff her perfeckt Ass. This german femdom clip is filmed in P.O.V. so you think she stands before you !! Thats make scary. Visit thie clip and your mistress by clicking her Ass !! For more Divina clips and information visit her free german femdom blog, Click HER
"Wanna sniff my Ass" P.O.V.
Actor: Lady Divina
Format: Avi - all other
Size: 76mb - Run time: 9min
Categories: Sadistic Humiliation - P.O.V. - Fetish - SM
"Wanna sniff my Ass" P.O.V.
Actor: Lady Divina
Format: Avi - all other
Size: 76mb - Run time: 9min
Categories: Sadistic Humiliation - P.O.V. - Fetish - SM
Cruel Foot Domination and Ballbusting aktion by the "Cruel Super Model"
Today we will show you the Killerkicks femdom super model Goddess Janina, she looks so sexy while your eggs kicks with her lovely feets. Goddess Janina is dressed in a short cut black dress and black open high heels, a dream for all mens in this world. This Goddess looks sexy BUT she loves the ballbusting aktion and your pain, Janina gives No Mercy. She will destroy your nuts with her Killerkicks Ballbusting attack, her feets kicks over and over again. This is german femdom power and Goddess Janina is the perfeckt Ballbusting Babe. Visit this hot babe and see sexy and merciless ballkicking humiliation,klick the pic !!!
"Cruel Super Model"
Actor: Mistress Janina
Format: Avi - all other
Size: 154mb - Run time: 19min
Categories: German Femdom - Ballkicking - Foot Domination - Fetish - Humiliation
"Cruel Super Model"
Actor: Mistress Janina
Format: Avi - all other
Size: 154mb - Run time: 19min
Categories: German Femdom - Ballkicking - Foot Domination - Fetish - Humiliation
German mistress gives lessons in kickboxing... !! Extreme hot female fighting stuff by KILLERKICKS !
Hi friends from Killerkicks !
Today we want to present a wonderful mistress to you:
She's a cruel but beautyful german female fighting babe & kickboxing pro !!!
Wanna mess with her ? No ? Are you scared ?
She's the one....
Today we want to present a wonderful mistress to you:
She's a cruel but beautyful german female fighting babe & kickboxing pro !!!
Wanna mess with her ? No ? Are you scared ?
She's the one....
Killerkicks Present : Ballbusting Devil in "Merciless Ballkicker"
The name from this Babe said all, Ballbusting Devil is a Bad women and Merciless Asian Ballkicker. Her body is beautiful and perfeckt and her feets are sweet but extreme hard kicker. The mistress loves to use her feets to all species the Ballkicking, ballstomping, foot domination and trampling. Ballbusting Devil gives a bad mericless and painful lesson and love your pain. The mistress is dressed in string tanga, a short shirt and her lovely feets are nacked !! What a beautiful and strong fetish modell !! For this great Clip klick the Pic. Good time.
"Merciless Ballkicker"
Actor: Ballbusting Devil
Format: All
Size: 158mb - Run time: 20min
Categories: Ballkicking - Merciless - Foot Domination - Trampling
"Merciless Ballkicker"
Actor: Ballbusting Devil
Format: All
Size: 158mb - Run time: 20min
Categories: Ballkicking - Merciless - Foot Domination - Trampling
Ballbusting clip with hot babe who kicks a guy between the legs - hundrets of kicks !!! Great femdom by the KILLERKICKS crew !
JaniFullmovie - busted @ the classroom !
Here is the full version of "Busted @ the Classroom".
Extremely brutal ballbusting, trampling, and lots of hot shots of this
beautiful young dominatrix! This film is incredibly intense. More than
minutes action - all filmed from the first-person perspective. Janina
shows us what happens when she gets angry ... Countless times she kicks
in the balls with full force! In between, she massaged
his balls with her beautiful feet. This mix of eroticism and brutality
is fascinating. And Janina is a ballbusting goddess ....
Hier kommt Vollversion von "Busted @ the Classroom". Extrem brutales Ballbusting, Trampling und jede Menge heisser Aufnahmen dieser wunderschönen jungen Domina ! Dieser Film ist unglaublich intensiv. Mehr als 20 Minuten Action - alles aus der Ich-Perspektive gefilmt. Janina zeigt uns, was passiert, wenn sie wütend wird... Unzählige Male kickt sie mit voller Wucht in Eier ! Zwischendurch massiert sie seine Hoden mit ihren wundervollen Füssen. Diese Mischung aus Erotik und Brutalität ist faszinierend. Und Janina ist eine Ballbusting Göttin....
Hier kommt Vollversion von "Busted @ the Classroom". Extrem brutales Ballbusting, Trampling und jede Menge heisser Aufnahmen dieser wunderschönen jungen Domina ! Dieser Film ist unglaublich intensiv. Mehr als 20 Minuten Action - alles aus der Ich-Perspektive gefilmt. Janina zeigt uns, was passiert, wenn sie wütend wird... Unzählige Male kickt sie mit voller Wucht in Eier ! Zwischendurch massiert sie seine Hoden mit ihren wundervollen Füssen. Diese Mischung aus Erotik und Brutalität ist faszinierend. Und Janina ist eine Ballbusting Göttin....
Aquí está la versión completa de "@ Busted el Aula". Ballbusting extremadamente brutal, el pisoteo, y un montón de fotos calientes de esta dominatrix joven y bella! Esta película es increíblemente intensa. Más de 20 minutos de acción - todo filmado desde la perspectiva en primera persona. Janina nos muestra lo que ocurre cuando se enoja ... Incontables veces se golpea con el pie en las pelotas con toda su fuerza! En el medio, se masajea los cojones con sus hermosos pies. Esta mezcla de erotismo y brutalidad es fascinante. Y Janina es una diosa ballbusting ....
ここで"@教室バステッド"のフルバージョンです。非常に残忍な三昧、踏みつけ、この若く美しい女王のホットショットの提供しています。この映画は信じら れないほど強烈です。 20分以上のアクションは、 - すべての一人称視点から�'�影しました。ジャニナは、彼女が�'ったときに何が起こるか私達�'示しています。...数え切れないほど、彼女は完全な力 �'持つボールでキック!の間に、彼女は彼女の美しい足で彼のボール�'マッサージ。エロティシズムと残虐行為のこのミックスは魅力的です。とジャニナは 三昧の女神です。....
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